Long Endurance Rides before Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge Update
Thanks for your responses regarding the 2 long endurance rides - it seems we have a lot of keen participants, so these rides will definitely go ahead. Mark the dates in your calendar now - Sunday 8 September for Apiti, and Saturday 12 October for Pongaroa.
With so much interest in the Pongaroa ride, I’ve had to make a few changes. The numbers are too big to expect the pub to serve our lunches and have us back on the road quickly, so Bike Manawatu sponsor, Derek McNabb and the team at Rosebowl Bakery and Cafe are supplying packed lunches to enjoy at the domain in Pongaroa.
Unfortunately this does increase the cost of the ride to $20, but you’ll be getting a support van, mechanic, cold drinks along the way and lunch as well as fantastic company, spectacular views and a great ride. And because of this, we will need you to pre-register, so that we can provide definite numbers for the lunches - details of this will be posted 1 month out from the ride.
As the Apiti ride is shorter and unsupported, there is no need to pre-register for this one - just show up on the day. The start time and departure point will be advised closer to the time.