Bike Manawatu’s WCNI Road Race 29 June 2019 – Halcombe

Bike Manawatu are hosting the final Road Race for the WCNI interclub series on Saturday 29th June 2019

Please pre-register here

wcni _ road race champs 2019 (1) low res

All information about the course can be found HERE

Please remember all WCNI events you are representing your club so please ensure you are wearing your club kit with pride.

For all of our Bike Manawatu members we ask if you could kindly bring a plate of food to share at the end of the race.

Thank You

Here are the Inerclub points standings after the Wanagnui Round 12/05/19.
Come on Bike Manawatu!!!! We need a good turn out on Saturday in all grades to make up ground
A club jersey is required by all riders. Non club shorts is fine. If you need 1 contact Keryn as we have some in stock
Note - if you change grade (up or down) your previous points will not be counted.

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