Bike Manawatu 2019 AGM & Prize Giving

You are all invited to attend our Bike Manawatu AGM & Prize Giving which is due to take place next weekend on Saturday 11th May 2019 at the Marist Clubrooms starting from 5pm
We’d love to see you all and help acknowledge the achievements of our riders both on the road and track within the past year.
2019 Prizegiving Poster

2019 Bike Manawatu AGM

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Saturday 11th May 2019 – 5pm
The Bike Manawatu Inc AGM will be held just prior to our club prizegiving on at the Marist Sports Club on Pascal Street

2018 Previous Chairman Report Image result for Click Here Button
Previous AGM Minutes - Image result for Click Here Button
Board Member Nomination Form - Image result for Click Here Button