Help Give Back To Your Club 

Would you be interested in training to become a club STMS?

Traffic management plans are becoming a big part of cycle racing. Without them we simply cannot run races on the open road.
We want to create a good rotation so everyone can ride their bikes and join in on our races. To do this we need to increase the pool of people we can call upon to be the duty STMS. In general terms a cycling event STMS may be responsible for preparing a new traffic plan (if we are using a new circuit) lodging traffic management plans with the council and assisting with course set up and collection.
The more qualified people we have the more we can share this around and prevent races from being cancelled.

If you or someone you know would be keen to give back to our club and train in this position please send expressions of interest to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

STMS course