Manfeild Criterium Series

Back for another exciting year we will be hosting our Manfeild Criterium Series every Tuesday night in November – Lock in the dates, we’d love to see you there and join in the fun.
(Tuesday 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th November 2018)
Doors will open at 5.30pm 
First Race begins at 6.00pm

Members $5 p/night OR $15 for the series
Non Members $10 p/night OR $35 for the series
Everyone is welcome

Click here for all info

Thank you very much to those who have already offered to help during this series, from First Aid to Prime & Finish Line Judges, we really appreciate it.
We are however still looking for a few more Prime & Finish Line Judges (Ideally 2-3 from each grade so that judges can rotate and cover each other while racing.)
If you plan to attend our Crit Series and are able to lend a hand in these positions, We’d love to hear from you
“Volunteering is not just about making time, Its about making a difference” — Anos

Manfeild Criterium Series 2018