Bike Manawatu
West Coast North Island Interclub - Halcombe - Sunday 2nd May 2021 ***WAITING ON MORE INFO BEFORE PUBLISHING***
11am Start Time All riders MUST Pre Register Here before 12 noon Saturday 1.05.2021
Start & Meet Bike Manawatu Timing van outside the Halcombe Memorial Hall – 76 Willoughby Street The safe Halcombe-Stanway-Tokorangi circuit (anti-clockwise) is a 20.51k loop -The race is x3, 2 or 1 laps depending on grade Registration 10.15am at HQ – (near the Bike Manawatu Timing Van) as above Race briefing 10:45am - all riders must attend First grade off at 11am
Cyclists to assemble near the Halcombe Memorial Hall
This event is run as a graded road race A Grade - 3 Laps B Grade - 2 Laps C Grade - 1 Lap D Grade - 1 Lap
Come out and test yourself - We would love to see you.
$5 members / $10 non-members – All welcome (Only members are eligible for the trophy) We encourage you to pay online Bike Manawatu ANZ 01-0745-0284925-00 please use your name, race number & race name as reference
Please do not attend our event if you are unwell
West Coast North Island Interclub
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Bike Manawatu
Bike Manawatu Road Racing Merit & Special Award Nominations

We know cyclists compete in many events both near and far and it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with every riders individual achievements.
The Bike Manawatu board are keen to hear from you with nominations for our road racing merit and special awards up for grabs at our annual prizegiving. We would like your input to help us recognize our people within our club.
You are welcome to nominate yourself, a friend or a family member etc
The information supplied will help the Bike Manawatu board with our judging process
Please provide supporting information as requested below.
*Your nomination must be a member of Bike Manawatu Please ensure your submission is received before Thursday 8th April 2021
Bike Manawatu
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Bike Manawatu Inc will be held as follows: Date: Friday 30th April 2021 Time: 6.00pm Venue: Marist Sports Club, 19 Pascal Street, Palmerston North
Please RSVP to help assist us for catering purposes here

Please click HERE to view the AGM Meeting Minutes from Monday 3rd August 2020 Please click HERE to view our 2021 Agenda Please click HERE to view the year ending 31 December 2020 Financial Review Please click HERE to view the Bike Manawatu Constitution Please click HERE to view the Bike Manawatu Board Member Nomination Form Please click HERE to view the AGM Protocol
Please note our AGM quorum is 25
We also invite members to voice their opinion during our General Business on what they enjoy, would like to see changed, how we could improve etc Providing solutions for any problems is always a bonus
We look forward to seeing you there
Board Member Position We are calling for nominations for the position of one (1) Board Member position prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Nominations should be sent to the Bike Manawatu Secretary Keryn (secretary@bikemanawatu.co.nz) . The nominations must be received at least seven (7) days before the day fixed for the Annual General Meeting.
The procedure as set out in the constitution for nominations of Board members states that nominations must be in writing. The Board Member Nomination Form and can be viewed on the website: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4vh1i0q3qc-OUxwTWlCQlRSVXlBbGh1NXh4RkhYdw/view
Bike Manawatu
Sutton Cup – Halcombe – Sunday 14th March 2021
Here are the results from today’s Sutton Cup handicap
Strong ride from C grade for Andrew Hill at his first Bike Manawatu race. Welcome to B grade
As ever massive thanks Tim Lloyd for STMS and traffic set up, Sam Richardson for registration/ timing and Andrew Hamblyn for sag wagon
WCNI ITT and Road Race champs next weekend. Remember these events will be in run in CNZ age grades and junior gearing will apply.
Place |
Bib |
Name |
Category |
Gender |
Adjusted time |
Time |
Lap 1 |
Lap 2 |
Handicap |
Difference |
17 |
169 |
Andrew Hill |
C Grade |
Male |
1:10:30.7 |
1:10:30.7 |
- |
- |
+0:00.0 |
+10:23.9 |
1 |
8 |
Chris Harris |
A Grade |
Male |
1:13:06.8 |
1:00:06.8 |
28:04.8 |
32:02.0 |
+13:00.0 |
- |
2 |
157 |
Mathew Jamieson |
A Grade |
Male |
1:13:07.3 |
1:00:07.3 |
- |
- |
+13:00.0 |
+0:00.5 |
3 |
79 |
Madi Hartley-Brown |
A Grade |
Male |
1:13:07.5 |
1:00:07.5 |
28:05.2 |
32:02.3 |
+13:00.0 |
+0:00.7 |
4 |
105 |
Joe Skerman |
A Grade |
Male |
1:13:07.6 |
1:00:07.6 |
- |
- |
+13:00.0 |
+0:00.8 |
8 |
77 |
Dale Nicholls |
B Grade |
Male |
1:13:07.7 |
1:04:07.7 |
32:36.5 |
31:31.2 |
+9:00.0 |
+4:00.9 |
5 |
63 |
Steve Stannard |
A Grade |
Male |
1:13:10.0 |
1:00:10.0 |
- |
- |
+13:00.0 |
+0:03.2 |
6 |
18 |
Glenn Kirk |
A Grade |
Male |
1:13:12.0 |
1:00:12.0 |
1:00:12.0 |
- |
+13:00.0 |
+0:05.2 |
9 |
168 |
Brent Bismark |
B Grade |
Male |
1:13:19.1 |
1:04:19.1 |
32:36.7 |
31:42.4 |
+9:00.0 |
+4:12.3 |
7 |
52 |
Winston Briggs |
A Grade |
Male |
1:13:30.8 |
1:00:30.8 |
28:05.9 |
32:24.9 |
+13:00.0 |
+0:24.0 |
10 |
167 |
Leyton Gapper |
B Grade |
Male |
1:15:32.8 |
1:06:32.8 |
32:35.8 |
33:57.0 |
+9:00.0 |
+6:26.0 |
18 |
82 |
Graeme Bull |
C Grade |
Male |
1:15:33.2 |
1:15:33.2 |
37:11.4 |
38:21.8 |
+0:00.0 |
+15:26.4 |
19 |
68 |
Mark Hudson |
C Grade |
Male |
1:15:38.2 |
1:15:38.2 |
- |
- |
+0:00.0 |
+15:31.4 |
11 |
25 |
Andrew Richardson |
B Grade |
Male |
1:16:28.0 |
1:07:28.0 |
32:36.1 |
34:51.9 |
+9:00.0 |
+7:21.2 |
12 |
71 |
Mike Thompson |
B Grade |
Male |
1:16:38.2 |
1:07:38.2 |
32:37.2 |
35:01.1 |
+9:00.0 |
+7:31.4 |
13 |
75 |
Toshi Yamauchi |
B Grade |
Male |
1:16:38.6 |
1:07:38.6 |
32:37.3 |
35:01.4 |
+9:00.0 |
+7:31.8 |
13 |
258 |
Ross Rainham |
B Grade |
Male |
1:16:38.6 |
1:07:38.6 |
32:36.4 |
35:02.2 |
+9:00.0 |
+7:31.8 |
15 |
116 |
Rob Ryan |
B Grade |
Male |
1:16:39.0 |
1:07:39.0 |
32:37.0 |
35:02.1 |
+9:00.0 |
+7:32.2 |
16 |
115 |
Carl Dickason |
B Grade |
Male |
1:16:39.6 |
1:07:39.6 |
32:36.0 |
35:03.6 |
+9:00.0 |
+7:32.8 |
20 |
6 |
Jessie Coxon |
C Grade |
Female |
1:18:47.0 |
1:18:47.0 |
37:11.8 |
41:35.3 |
+0:00.0 |
+18:40.2 |
21 |
119 |
Wayne Fage |
C Grade |
Male |
1:23:04.4 |
1:23:04.4 |
38:08.0 |
44:56.4 |
+0:00.0 |
+22:57.6 |
22 |
103 |
Caleb Hamblyn |
C Grade |
Male |
1:27:42.6 |
1:27:42.6 |
43:04.6 |
44:38.0 |
+0:00.0 |
+27:35.8 |
23 |
182 |
Katherine Stannard |
C Grade |
Female |
1:27:48.5 |
1:27:48.5 |
43:04.4 |
44:44.1 |
+0:00.0 |
+27:41.7 |
- |
72 |
Mike Dunn |
B Grade |
Male |
32:37.6 |
- |
+9:00.0 |
- |
Click here to view all season results on our spreadsheet
Club recreational rides leave from Memorial Park, Napier Rd, at 8:00am on Sundays
Route Map |
Ride description |
BM26a – Rongotea, Mt Biggs, Feilding
Distance: 76km
Tremain, Hoihere Rd, Main Drain Rd, Rongotea, Mt Biggs, Sandon Rd, Feilding, Campbell Rd, Home
Route Map | | Ride description |
![BM36C[7] BM36C[7]](http://bikemanawatu.co.nz/images/vaughanh/bm36c7_d260817c-6e73-46be-84ac-1eec2b118acc.jpg) | | BM26C – Main Drain, Penny Rd, Sandon Rd, Feilding Distance: 93km
Description: Tremaine Ave, Gillespies Line, KB Road, Hoihere Rd, Main Drain, Taikorea Rd, Kellow Rd, Penney Rd, Mt Biggs, Sandon Rd, Feilding, Campbell Rd, Nannestead Line, Dixons Line, KB Road, Railway Rd, Home |