Remits, life membership nomination, subscriptions


The following matters will be discussed and voted on at next weeks 2014 AGM


4.3 shall read

4.3 Membership categories shall be as listed below in paragraphs 4.3.1 to 4.3.6, with age at 31 December of membership year.

4.3.1 junior membership is anyone under 19 years of age

4.3.2 senior membership is anyone 19 years old and over

4.3.3 family membership where there are more than 2 people living at the same address

4.3.4 non riding membership for a person that lives with a member under paragraph 4.3.1 or 4.3.2

4.3.5 life membership

4.3.6 associate member being a member of another club but paying a membership fee in line with 4.3.1. or 4.3.2.

Moved Glenys Taylor Seconded  Paul van Velthooven

Life membership

Simon van Velthooven has been nominated for life membership. This nomination was approved by the Board at its meeting in March 2014. This nomination now needs to be ratified at the AGM by 75% of those present.

Nominated by  Steve Stannard  seconded by Iona McCarthy

Membership fees for 2015

Junior membership $25

Senior membership $35

Family membership $70

Non riding membership $10.